These masks were made in the deep solastalgia during the lockdown, as personal gifts to precious friends, or in exchange for plants. If we all wear masks, we protect each other. This is what a society based on solidarity could be like. In this society, art would have a different, paraeconomic, value: it would be permacultural – in the sence of its belonging to the natural world instead of replicating the rape our societies have performed on it. Meow!
Cat Interspecies (Joulia Strauss)
Zhar Ptitza (Johanna Di Blasi)
Mask for better communication with Salmon (Michelle Letelier)
Batman: The Last Communist (Michel Gaissmayer)
Kundalini Rainbow Snake (André Sauer)
Panther and Glam (Elsa de Seynes and Marco Clausen)
Protection by Quotation (Thomas Oberender)
India (Daria Mille)
Second Reflection Order (Merle Jothe)
Mask for Libraries (Sandrina Khaled)
Mask for Solidarity with Poland
Mask for Protection from the Gods (Tania Hron)
Cat Deanthropocene (Moritz Wahrlich)
Mask for telepathic communication with sister panthers (Joulia Strauss) Photo: Merle Jothe
In collaboration with Johanna di Blasi, Merle Jothe, and David Yellin